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"Pace is all. Rhythm is master. Consistency is your friend."

Friday, May 25, 2007


As if I wasn't emotional enough . . .

I got this great new camera. I've been playing with it so that I can take great pictures tomorrow at my sister's wedding. I went to the rehearsal dinner tonight and got lots of good stuff with it. I was loving my new camera until just now . . .

When I accidentally erased every picture I had taken . . .

Now I'm upset . . .

And I can't stop thinking about it . . .

I'm getting mad . . .

And I'm sad because there were photos from the first night my other sister was at my house with her kids . . . There were pictures of my niece and nephew and sons playing together . . . And my younger son running down the "aisle" tonight at the rehearsal . . . and a really great picture of my older son and my husband (neither one with a goofy smile) . . . and my niece sleeping on her mother's shoulder . . . and a picture of me and my sisters - together - like we haven't been in such a long time . . .

Now, I'm sad.

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At 5/26/2007 07:36:00 AM, Blogger soccer mom in denial said...

Oh I would be so sad too! I'm so so sorry. And I'm the type to have up to 500 photos on my camera, not downloaded or printed.

I'm your exchange partner this month (we don't post until June 5th). My email address is amitchells AT yahoo DOT com.

At 5/26/2007 11:44:00 AM, Blogger cherylann said...

Take a deep breath. Remember, all of those great memories are in your mind and you never lose them. Tomorrow, you will take new pictures of the 3 of you and your kids and Kel's beautiful day. There are always more days. There will be more pictures. Wish I was there. Have a good night and don't forget to take the moment in. Send some pictures when you take the new ones... and this time y'all will be dressed up! I love ya Nanc. Damn technology!

At 5/27/2007 07:31:00 AM, Blogger Em said...

So sorry that happened! I can relate just a bit. One of the kids accidentally deleted a whole bunch of photos we had downloaded to the computer and deleted from the camera. We were crushed. And we started working on making backups on a better schedule.

I do hope you enjoy your camera and the wedding!

At 5/29/2007 11:35:00 AM, Blogger Misty said...

hi i just stumbled upon your blog via a blog ring. I hope the camera and wedding worked out. :)

You have a lot of very thought provoking things on your blog. As I looked around I really felt appreciative of the time/insight/etc. that you have put in here. I like shallow posts as much as the next person, but sometimes it's really good/refreshing to see real things too!

At 5/31/2007 08:20:00 AM, Blogger Shani said...

You still have the pictures in your mind... write about them whilst they are fresh, the emotions, the reactions and why you chose those shots.

Put the notes in a safe place, and wheel them out when you need inspiration.

Make a happy moment out of a sad one... no regret just moving on with joy :-)


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