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"Pace is all. Rhythm is master. Consistency is your friend."

Monday, April 9, 2007

If You Want to Know, Ask! is hosting a Virtual Town Hall meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 7:15 EST where presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, and Joe Biden will answer questions regarding the war in Iraq. These aren't the questions the media are currently asking or questions pre-selected by the candidates themselves. These are questions posed by everyday people just like you and me and (hopefully) we'll get the answers we're looking for.

For me, the soundbytes just aren't enough and I don't have the time or money to attend speeches and Q & A sessions around the country. This is a great way to get to know the candidates and find out where they really stand on an issue that is of the utmost importance without leaving the comfort of your home.

This is the first of three town meetings that will be hosting. (The other two will cover issues surrounding health care and global warming/energy policy.) So if you like what you see be sure to stay tuned for what's to come.

I believe that the 2008 election is quite possibly the most important election of my lifetime and I'm going to make sure that I know who I'm voting for so that I can have confidence in the job I believe he/she will do. You can't just vote for the frontrunner or the person your parents are voting for in this one - there is just too much at stake.

So if you're interested in "attending" simply click here or on the link above. Don't just sit there - do something!!!

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